How did you arrive here at The Dunstan Group?
I was previously a Marketing Coordinator in the mortgage industry. I connected with The Dunstan Group through previous orders we had placed at my prior company.
What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients?
All of them, if I don’t know the answer I will find out or find the right party to help me out.
What do your ideal clients say about you?
I think my ideal client would refer to me as a problem solver who delivers innovative solutions.
What are you most passionate about professionally?
I love process improvement, I think there is a place & time to make changes so that the company can continue to grow and technology to help support that growth.
I also love meeting new people and making connections in Charlotte!
What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?
I am excited to be a part of the team here. I like that everyone works together to make all the pieces of the DG puzzle come together and I am excited to be a part of that.
What are you passionate about personally?
I am passionate about helping others, in work and in my personal life. If I can take 5 minutes out of my day to help make someone else’s easier. I will do that 100% of the time.
What can’t you stop talking about?
My dogs, Tulley & Remy. My life revolves around them.
Where can we find you when you’re not working?
Planning my upcoming wedding! It has taken over my life!
What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
Sunday afternoons are spent with my fiancé and 2 rescue pups. In the fall we’re watching Panthers football!
Where did you grow up, and how’d you land in Charlotte?
I grew up in Winston-Salem, NC, landed in Charlotte for school at UNCC and never left!
Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about?
I do not volunteer with them per se, but I try and give back to the local animal shelter where I rescued my dogs from as much as I can. Halfway There Rescue based out of Fort Mill, SC.
What would be impossible for you to give up?
Pad Thai! Haha, It is my go-to comfort food. So weird, I know, but I eat it when I am sick, having a bad day, etc.