September is National Preparedness Month, and The Dunstan Group is helping Duke Energy keep our Senior Citizens and other vulnerable populations safe. Duke Energy distributed 7,000 branded storm radios to Seniors to prepare for severe weather this year. Each one is emblazoned with the company’s blue and green Duke Energy logo, to remind owners who to call to report an outage in their area after severe weather.
The storm radios include a flashlight and a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) radio to alert residents to severe weather in their area. They can be plugged into a wall for regular use, or can be charged with a hand crank or built-in solar panel in the case of a power outage.
There’s even a USB port in it so you can use the sun to charge your cell phone! The charger gives residents a guaranteed way to make contact with loved ones or emergency personnel if they need to, especially if they live alone.
Duke Energy distributed the storm radios in the Pee Dee area of South Carolina and other areas prone to severe weather and flooding.
“Historically, that’s who gets the most severe weather in South Carolina from flooding and hurricanes,” Amanda Dow, Duke Energy Foundation stakeholder manager for South Carolina, said in the company’s statement.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends having an emergency weather radio in your disaster supply kit. The radios are available at most electronics retailers and from the American Red Cross.
“For a project of this scale and of this importance, they could trust us to deliver,” says Scott Dunstan, Founder and President of The Dunstan Group. “Even in the middle of a pandemic when the supply chain is the most challenging we’ve ever seen, we understood the urgent need to get these radios in the hands of vulnerable residents.”
To see what else you should put in your emergency disaster kit, check out these tips from FEMA: