There’s a brand new purple popping up on promotional products these days, and it looks very familiar – but with a little more punch. Pantone, the purveyor of palettes, has for the very first time in its history, created a brand new color to be Color of the Year: Very Peri.
Veterans might recognize the lavender hue, but this is not your mother’s “periwinkle” – aka Pantone 18-3943. Nor is it the old-school flower that grows in grandma’s garden. It’s grandma’s Gen Z namesake with short hair and a sassy little kick. It takes a familiar, comforting hue of bluish-purple and adds some warmth and energy with violet-red undertones, and it’s coming to your branding stylist soon.
Pantone created the color to reflect the unprecedented times we’re living in – and hopefully emerging from. It combines a traditional and familiar feeling with the boldness of wanting to get out and get going again.
“We are living in transformative times,” says Pantone in its introduction of the color. “PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri is a symbol of the global zeitgeist of the moment and the transition we are going through.” The company calls Very Peri the “happiest and warmest of all the blue hues,” meant to symbolize transition and new possibilities.
Products inspired by the trendy transition – from toothbrushes to bicycles – are already showing up in the marketplace. Pantone itself offers Very Peri in a coffee mug, lanyard, key chain, and notebook. And if you’ve searched the color on the web, you’ll start to see Very Peri tennis shoes popping up everywhere in your feeds.
Color selection communicates your brand globally, and The Dunstan Group will offer Very Peri branded products and apparel very soon.
“We can offer custom shoes these days, so that sounds like a great place to start,” says The Dunstan Group’s Founder and President, Scott Dunstan. “We’ll likely see items imprinted in that color and garments start to surface in that color very soon.”
The first place you’ll see the color, says Dunstan, will be as an imprint or decoration for an event. Artists and event planners are likely to work it into a design, rather than using it as a complete color overhaul. That’s where The Dunstan Group can deliver your products that are on-trend.
Pantone suggests pairing Very Peri with pale pinks or taupes for light balance, or eggshell blue and forest green for a very natural, outdoorsy look. Very Peri matched with Pantone colors Pink Flambe and Tawny Orange kicks in an active, upbeat look.
We all want to emerge from the last two years with an upbeat feeling, so chase away the blues by working Very Peri into your branded items today!